Rivenditore ufficiale

AC Chip Tuning Modrica : AutoTuner dealer in Modrica

ACchiptuning founded 2015, started with car service and car tuning services.

Two years latter already buyed 2WD dyno and started with deeper tuning services.
2018 we develeped our own file service platform, where we curently serving about 50 partners and our dealers in all Balkan countries.

2021 we installed Bapro's 4x4 best dyno to provide best tuning services.
Now we can say that we are the bigest tuning company in our country, and the only one here with two dyno's in our facility.

Master provider

Slave provider

Accessories provider



Majke Jevrosime 11,
74480, Modrica
Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • +38765931953

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