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Wilhelms Racing & Optimering AB : AutoTuner dealer in Vargön

WROOM Racing carries out optimization of cars, motorhomes, company cars and to some extent construction machines/tractors if they are included in our tool (Autotuner) We work with global optimization experts to develop optimization and other products, which fit your car's needs exactly.

More than 90% of the optimization software is developed in brake benches in our partners' labs, which guarantees the most effective optimization for your vehicle, and makes it possible to provide optimization for many different types of vehicles.

Wroom Racing can also offer other performance-enhancing hardware components such as intake, exhaust system, turbo, compressor and other engine work with the help of our partners.

Wroom Racing can in some cases offer Stage 3 of optimization, and in the future more stages will also be offered, get in touch if you want to go further than Stage 3!

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Stålbrovägen 6,
46832, Vargön

  • +46721598798

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